志 》 中文今注今译版本。笔者期待这一天早日到来。
[1 ]陈寿,撰.裴松之,注.三国志[M ].北京:中华书局, 1959.
[2 ]今鹰真,井波律子,小南一郎,等.正史三国志[M ].东京:筑摩书房, 1992.
[3 ]倪永明.中日《 三国志 》 今译与中古汉语词汇研究[M ].南京:凤凰出版社, 2007: 265 - 266.
A Righteous Critic to theM odern Annotations and Translations of
the“Annals of the Three Kingdom s”
— — —A Review to the Book :A Com parative Study of Translations of the
“Annals of the Three Kingdom s”into M odern Chinese and J apanese
and the Chinese Lexicon in M iddle Ages
(《 中日 〈 三国志 〉 今译与中古汉语词汇研究 》)
( College of Art, Guangxi Un iversity, Nann ing, Guangxi530004, Chi na)
[ Abstract] The bookA Com parative Study of Translations of the“Annals of the Three Kingdom s”intoM od2
ern Chinese and Japanese and the Chinese Lexicon in M iddle Ages(《 中日〈 三国志 〉 今译与中古汉语词汇研究 》)
collects the relative researching data as possible as the author can.The book has a legitimate frame, outstanding
importance and distinctive research perspectivewith microcosmic investigation.In this book, the author collects lots
of errors in the annotations and translations of the“Annals of the Three Kingdoms”in modern Chinese and Japa2
nese. On the basis of these, the author ponders courageously over the theories of the annotations and translations of
ancientsworks, and advances some creative opinions .
[ Key words] the“Annals of the Three Kingdom s”(三国志) ; modern annotation; modern translation
收稿日期 2010 - 01 - 01
[责任编辑 贺卫国]
0 星